Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Closing of yet another chapter...

So 9 weeks later prac has come to an end but somehow it doesn’t even feel like it. Extremely fast 9 weeks. Extremely full 9 weeks. So much occurred in my time on prac that it’s kind of hard to think back and take it all in…

I think one of the biggest realisations I have had this semester due to being placed at a drug rehabilitation centre is that the PEOPLE we work with are human beings. They are not patients. They are not clients. They are not service users. They are simply people… and they need to be treated that way. Maybe it’s because I was working with very high functioning people and could form proper relationships with them all. But having a relationship with the guys I was working with was so great. It helped to move away from the stress and pressure of doing our treatment demonstrations and presentations and whatever else and just sit down and have a conversation with them. And not only that but upon leaving prac on our last day when they turned around and thanked us for what we had done for them. It’s not often that you get that and for me it made the last unbearably stressful 9 weeks worthwhile.

Going into prac I had a picture in my mind of a drug addict. This low life, good for nothing person. A picture most of us go through our entire lives carrying. But wow was I so wrong. Not only were these guys at NPC PEOPLE, they were more intelligent, genuine, friendly and willing than 99% of the people in our lives that we call ‘normal’. I found myself sitting up late at night working on prac stuff not because I was worrying about my marks and passing prac but because I wanted it to help and benefit my guys as much as possible. I wanted desperately to help them as much as I could. And for me that’s what I walk away from this prac with. The satisfaction of knowing I did at least something, no matter how small that something may be, that helped to change the lives of the guys I worked with…. The satisfaction of that….. Not marks…

I knew going into this prac that it was going to be nothing but tough. I knew I was going to be pulled and pushed in a thousand ways. So yes it was hard, the hardest prac has ever been for me but weirdly enough having said that it has been my favourite prac thus far. It has grown me and moulded me and most of all it has humbled me. I am undoubtedly not the same person I was when I arrived at NPC 9 weeks ago on the 13 August 2013.

About 4 weeks ago I was collecting sports equipment so that we could take it to NPC for the guys to use and whilst doing this someone very close to me turned and said “why would you want to get stuff and give it to drug addicts”. I was so angry at the time I could not even give an answer to that ignorant comment. But now I’ll tell you why. Because those drug addicts are people, really great people. People who can teach you and make you realise more about this life and yourself than anyone else.

                                                           "An addict is someone who
                                                          uses their body to tell society
                                                            that something is wrong." ~
                                                                   STELLA ADLER

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