Friday, August 9, 2013


After an extensive meeting with our supervisors during which the module was broken done and all our expectations and requirements were given to us it is hard not to feel at least slightly overwhelmed. The reason for me having these feelings is because I know this prac is going to be challenging for me. Mainly because my previous psych experiences were not enjoyable for me so I already have this negative feeling towards it and also because I have chosen to go to a substance abuse institution which is a field I have limited knowledge and experience in. I also know that the client’s I will be dealing with are going to be higher functioning and may also be manipulative and test me as a therapist which for me is going to be a huge learning experience as one of my weaknesses is not being firm enough and taking control over client’s. However I do have this feeling of excitement hiding behind all the anxiety and worry. I am excited to grow as a therapist and to develop some skills I think I am lacking. I am also looking forward to working alongside the three other girls in my prac group as they are girls I haven’t really done much work with and it is always fun to see how different people approach their therapy. We can learn a lot from each other not only from our supervisors and clients. I am also excited about my individual clients as I believe that the clients at this institution will have such rich life stories and experiences to tell. So for me based on my previous blog I am going to try to find the positives in every situation I find myself in during this prac, yes I am feeling anxious but there is also excitement in me that cannot be squashed by my anxiety. So I am ready for the challenges, the tears, the late nights but I am also ready for the growth, the experiences and the lessons.  

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