After spending literally the entire weekend sitting at my
desk planning and writing up my treatment programs for my clients at Newlands Park
Centre I must admit I was thinking to myself I can’t believe I spent my whole
weekend working. But then I watched the video posted above and it says something like you
spend approximately 3202 days doing work, hopefully something that is
satisfying. I immediately thought of my weekend of work and I realised hey,
those two days spent fussing over my clients and their problems was actually
kinda satisfying. Putting everything together and eventually getting to the
bottom of all that is your client and realising this is what I need to do was
really satisfying when I think back on it now. What was even more satisfying was
yesterday doing sessions with my clients and seeing how well they responded and
then when one of them turned to me and said “wow thank you that was really
great”. My work is satisfying. Sometimes when I am on prac and working with my
clients it doesn’t feel like work. They say if you enjoy your work and do what
you love you will never spend a day working and I am beginning to feel that way
about my soon to be career. Those 3202 jelly beans set aside for work do not
need to be removed and written off like they are in the video. Those 3202 jelly
bean days that I will spend working are important days for me and I want to
keep and cherish them.
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