Thursday, May 22, 2014


So one of our roles in the community is networking…. I have been trying to put my feelers out and make connections but last week Friday we made a network that I am SO SO excited about!
 We went to the Afripack factory- now Afripack does allllll the labelling for anything and everything you can imagine. Steri stumpie; coke; ricoffy; milo – you name it they label it. Now a big factory like that is bound to make some mess- tons and tons of off cuts; dud labels etc. come out of that factory with nowhere to go. A problem that a man called Mark who is the Group Sustainability Manager at Afripack has created the perfect solution for.

 He makes the most amazing things from all the recycled materials. His entire office- desk, chair, clock everything is made from recycled material. He happens to be looking for ways to supply people with these materials so that they can use them to make stuff and so we are going to form a relationship with him so that we can get a constant supply to Mariannridge and use them with our groups. And to make things even better Afripack is sooo close to Mariannridge! I really think Afripack is a great network and I am excited to see what comes of it!

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